essential listening
Here's some music we've done. Some new, some old, some remixes.
brand new!
October 2006 Basement Session - (38mb)
We recorded this rehearsal (which was good since we screwed up on recording the actual gig at Street, Stockholm) last week. Pretty good if you ask us, but who are we to judge...
current stuff
Check out two new Studio Tracks at our MySpace page! You know you want to!
Techno Squirrels - Mute (The Puff feat Crisp remix) - preview
Preview of a remix we did for LA-based Techno Squirrels.
The Puff feat Crisp live - Full gig (70mb)
Recording of a live gig we did in June 2005 in Stockholm together with Crisp from Crisp und Steel before he became a full time member.
classic cut of the month
That Old Falling Sensation (1996) - live track
A typical Puff 1996 track with some really nice breaks in it and vocals too. In a way. We liked playing this because people would unknowingly start some weird raver's headbanging routine when the drums kicked in. Hilarious to watch.
other stuff
Soul Probe - full track
This is the one 12" we released on our own label in 1999. You can read more about it in the bio section.
Squirt Mount - full track
We often find ourselves venturing into dubland. This is what it can sound like.